Equipping individuals with the fundamental tools and skills to empower themselves and others. Through a variety of channels consisting of, yet not limited to, cost effective treatment subsidized and structured housing environments with skills transfer modules including previously disadvantaged and underprivileged persons.
Welcome to Diamond Recovery Centers
4 times more success than any other treatment centre.
Pioneering wellness, assisted and independent living centers, as opposed to commonly known rehabilitation and halfway housing establishments. This gives you a fresh outlook, new perspective, realistic and long term recovery.
Our Mission

About Us
Diamond Recovery Centres is a private non-profit organization that was born with the understanding and recognition of a need in the recovery arena of various addictions and the costs thereof. Treatments available are very expensive, the truth is, that in more cases than most, supporting funds are depleted within very short periods of time.
Many addicts by the time of reaching recovery have destroyed all avenues available and exhausted support afforded to them. Finally reaching out for help in recovery circles, many have very little finances or options left, usually absolutely none at all.
We offer full solutions to individuals, such as Primary Rehabilitation for the treatment of addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders, Secondary Halfway Housing as well as Tertiary Sober Living & Mental Health environments. These are paid for by either themselves, colleagues, family or friends.
It is with this fact in mind that we reach out to the still suffering addicts and mental health sufferers and afford them the opportunity to begin their journey facing life on life’s terms. This is offered at a cost-effective means of being able to provide a starting block foundation, launching pad or merely another stepping stone in their progress in an environment that is safe, with beneficial influence and like-minded people.
- Primary care wellness rehabilitation consisting of a full 12 step recovery program and mental health professionals, for a recommended period of 6 months. We do however offer shorter term treatment modules.
- Primary 21 day treatment with medical detox and facilitation of mental health and wellness.
- The second phase being assisted halfway living (secondary care) for a recommended minimum period of 3 months, thus being an extension of primary care.
- The third phase being an independent sober living environment for the individual to reintegrate back into society whilst living in a safe environment, becoming fully self-supporting and contributing member in society.
Diamond Recovery Centers - Recovery Programs
- All 12 Steps of the Recovery Program (unlike traditional rehabilitation centers)
- 12 Traditions Program
- 12 Concepts of Service
- 25 Lessons Celebrate Recovery Program
- Quest for Authentic Manhood Program
- Womanhood Program
- Individual Counselling and Therapy Sessions
- Group Therapy
- Process Groups
- Accountability
- Social Worker and Nurse
- Psychiatrist
- Meditation & Spirituality Guidance Sessions
- Professional and Personal Physical Fitness
- Art & Craft Workshops
- Motivational Workshops
- Career Application Etiquette and Guidance
- 12 Step Fellowship Meetings
- Sponsorship Workshop
Cost Effective Full Solution Treatment Centres.
Our organization’s main objective is to aid individuals through a process of rehabilitation from life threatening addictions & behavioral challenges.
Equip individuals with the fundamental tools and skills to empower themselves and others, through a variety of channels consisting of, yet not limited to, subsidized and structured housing environments with skills transfer modules including previously disadvantaged and underprivileged persons.
Understanding that there is a plan, purpose and destiny for every human being, our organization assists in bridging the gap between a once lived life of loss, hurt, pain, abuse, suffering, helplessness and despair to a life realizing one’s dreams with a commitment to excellence in being a valuable, useful and contributing member of society, as well as a happy and fulfilled human being. Our organization also allows and aids individuals to fully develop their character or abilities through necessary support, structure and education.
Our organization accomplishes the above mentioned through various levels of care processes. The initial process being primary wellness care for a period of approximately 6 months; thereafter, secondary assisted care for a period of 3 to 6 months and thus leading to the option of the aftercare process by means of a tertiary independent living environment.
Our organizations secondary objectives are to accomplish, through a variety of channels, catering for every individual’s skills or profession by means of building strong relationships with a number of organizations in the social, charitable, communal and corporate environments. This creates opportunities for employment / careers. The end result for the individual is to become an independent, self-supporting and contributing member of society.
Our Services
Doing what others don’t – getting what others wont